Investors should not base investment decisions on this website alone. Please refer to the Prospectus for details including product features and the risk factors. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. There is no guarantee of the repayment of the principal. Investors should note:
- Global X AI & Innovative Technology Active ETF (the “Fund”)’s investment objective is to achieve long term capital growth by primarily investing in equities of exchange-listed companies globally, which fall within the investment theme of artificial intelligence (“AI”) and innovative technologies.
- The Fund will invest primarily (i.e. at least 70% of its net asset value (the “Net Asset Value”)) in equity securities and equity-related securities (such as common shares, preferred stock as well as American depositary receipts (“ADRs”), global depositary receipts (“GDRs”) and participation notes) of companies which (i) create, design and develop, or (ii) benefit from the advancement of, AI and Innovative Technologies Companies. Risk associated with AI and Innovative Technologies Companies include Operational and business risk, Changes in technology risk, Governmental intervention risk, Regulatory risk, Intellectual property risk, Significant capital investment risk, Cyberattack risk.
- The performance of the Fund may be exposed to risks associated with different sectors including but not limited to industrial, consumer discretionary, financial services, information technology, semiconductor, communication services, entertainment and healthcare. Fluctuations in the business for companies in these sectors will have an adverse impact on the Net Asset Value of the Fund.
- The Fund employs an actively managed investment strategy. The Fund does not seek to track any index or benchmark, and there is no replication or representative sampling conducted by the Manager. It may fail to meet its objective as a result of the Manager’s selection of investments, and/or the implementation of processes which may cause the Fund to underperform as compared to other index tracking funds with a similar objective.
- The Fund’s investment in equity securities is subject to general market risks, whose value may fluctuate due to various factors, such as changes in investment sentiment, political and economic conditions and issuer-specific factors.
- There is no industry sector requirement and the Fund may from time to time concentrate in a particular sector. The performance of the Fund may be exposed to risks associated with different sectors and themes, including but not limited to industrial, consumer discretionary, financial services including fintech, information technology, semiconductor, communication services, entertainment, and healthcare. The Fund may experience relatively higher volatility in price performance when compared to other economic sectors.
- Securities lending transactions may involve the risk that the borrower may fail to return the securities lent out in a timely manner or at all. The Fund may as a result suffer from a loss or delay when recovering the securities lent out. This may restrict the Fund’s ability in meeting delivery or payment obligations from redemption requests.
- Investors should note that Unitholders will only receive distributions in USD and not HKD. In the event the relevant Unitholder has no USD account, the Unitholder may have to bear the fees and charges associated with the conversion of such distribution from USD into HKD or any other currency.
- Payments of distributions out of capital and/or effectively out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any such distributions involving payment of dividends out of capital or effectively out of capital of the Fund may result in an immediate reduction in the Net Asset Value per Unit of the Fund and will reduce the capital available for future investment.
- The trading price of the Listed Class of Units on the SEHK is driven by market factors such as the demand for and supply of the Listed Class of Units. Therefore, the Listed Class of Units may trade at a substantial premium or discount to the Fund’s Net Asset Value.
- The Fund may invest in financial derivative instruments (“FDIs”) for non-hedging (i.e. investment) and/or hedging purposes, in order to achieve efficient portfolio management. Risks associated with FDIs include counterparty/credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk. FDIs are susceptible to price fluctuations and higher volatility, and may have large bid and offer spreads and no active secondary markets. The leverage element/component of an FDI can result in a loss significantly greater than the amount invested in the FDI by the Fund.