Global X HSI Components Covered Call Active ETF - Global X ETFs Hong Kong

Global X HSI Components Covered Call Active ETF

3419 HKD

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Important Information

Investors should not base investment decisions on this website alone. Please refer to the Prospectus for details including product features and the risk factors. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. There is no guarantee of the repayment of the principal. Investors should note:

  • Global X HSI Components Covered Call Active ETF (the “Fund”) aims to generate income by primarily investing in constituent equity securities in the Hang Seng Index (the “Reference Index” or the “HSI”)  and selling (i.e. “writing”) call options on the Reference Index to receive payments of money from the purchaser of call options (i.e. “premium”).
  • The objective of adopting a covered call strategy is to generate income and reduce potential loss against the downward market. Each time the Fund writes a HSI Call Option, the Fund receives a premium. If the value of the securities relating to the Reference Index held by the Fund declines, the premium that the Fund received for writing the HSI Call Option may reduce such loss to some extent. However, the downside of adopting a covered call strategy is that the Fund’s opportunity to profit from an increase in the level of the Reference Index is limited to the strike price of the HSI Call Options written, plus the premium received.
  • The Fund is an ETF which adopts a covered call strategy by (i) investing in constituent equity securities in the Reference Index and the HSI ETF and long positions of HSI Futures, and (ii) writing call options on the Reference Index. The Fund is one of the first covered call ETFs in Hong Kong. Such novelty makes the Fund riskier than traditional ETFs investing in equity securities.
  • The Fund employs an actively managed investment strategy. In addition to seeking to obtain exposure to the constituent equity securities in the Reference Index in substantially the same weightings as these securities have in the Reference Index through investing directly in constituent equity securities of the Reference Index and HSI ETF and long positions of HSI Futures, the Fund also writes call options on the Reference Index. The Fund may fail to meet its objective as a result of the implementation of investment process which may cause the Fund to underperform as compared to direct investments in the constituent equity securities of the Reference Index.
  • The market value of a HSI Call Option may be affected by an array of factors including but not limited to supply and demand, interest rates, the current market price of the Reference Index in relation to the strike price of the HSI Call Options, the actual or perceived volatility of the Reference Index and the time remaining until the expiration date. The Fund’s ability to utilise HSI Call Options successfully will depend on the ability of the Manager to correctly predict future price fluctuations, which cannot be assured and are subject to market behaviour or unexpected events.
  • If a HSI Call Option expires and if there is a decline in the market value of the Reference Index during the option period, the premiums received by the Fund from writing the HSI Call Options may not be sufficient to offset the loss realised.
  • The Fund may write HSI Call Options over an exchange or in the OTC market. The HSI Call Options in the OTC markets may not be as liquid as exchange-listed options. There may be a limited number of counterparties which are willing to enter into HSI Call Options as purchasers or the Fund may find the terms of such counterparties to be less favorable than the terms available for listed options. Moreover, the SEHK may suspend the trading of options in volatile markets. If trading is suspended, the Fund may not be able to write HSI Call Options at times that may be desirable or advantageous to do so.
  • The use of futures contracts involves risks that are potentially greater than the risks of investing directly in securities and other more traditional assets. The risks include but not limited to market risk, volatility risk, leverage risk and negative roll yields and “contango” risk.
  • Investing in HSI Futures and writing HSI Call Options generally involve the posting of margin. Additional funds may need to be posted as margin to meet margin calls based upon daily marking to market of the HSI Futures and the HSI Call Options. Increases in the amount of margin or similar payments may result in the need for the Fund to liquidate its investments at unfavourable prices in order to meet margin calls. If the Fund is unable to meet its investment objective as a result of margin requirements imposed by the HKFE, the Fund may experience significant losses.
  • HSI Futures and HSI Call Options are registered, cleared and guaranteed by the HKFE Clearing Corporation. In the event of the bankruptcy of the clearing house, the Fund could be exposed to a risk of loss with respect to its assets that are posted as margin.
  • To the extent that the constituent securities of the Reference Index are concentrated in Hong Kong listed securities of a particular sector or market, the investments of the Fund may be similarly concentrated. The value of the Fund may be more volatile than that of a fund having a more diverse portfolio of investments. The value of the Fund may be more susceptible to adverse conditions in such particular market/sector.
  • The borrower may fail to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund may as a result suffer from a loss or delay when recovering the securities lent out. This may restrict the Fund’s ability in meeting delivery or payment obligations from redemption requests. As part of the securities lending transactions, there is a risk of shortfall of collateral value due to inaccurate pricing of the securities lent or change of value of securities lent. This may cause significant losses to the Fund.
  • The base currency of the Fund is HKD but the class currencies of the Shares are in HKD, RMB and USD. The Net Asset Value of the Fund and its performance may be affected unfavourably by fluctuations in the exchange rates between these currencies and the base currency and by changes in exchange rate controls.
  • Payments of distributions out of capital or effectively out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any such distributions may result in an immediate reduction in the Net Asset Value per Share of the Fund and will reduce the capital available for future investment.
  • The trading price of the Fund unit (the “Unit”) on the SEHK is driven by market factors such as demand and supply of the Unit. Therefore, the Units may trade at a substantial premium or discount to the Fund’s net asset value.

Why Global X HSI Components Covered Call Active ETF? Product Flyer 

Income* Potential

While Covered call writing limits upside potential to some extent, it provides a relatively stable income for investors especially during rangebound scenarios.

* While Covered call writing limits the potential growth, it provides a relatively stable option premium income for investors. Mirae Asset Group has extensive experience in running covered call strategies. Source: Morningstar, Dec 31, 2023.

Aim for Monthly Distributions (Dividend rate is not guaranteed, distributions may be made out of capital #)

Aim to generate income through option selling and distribute it monthly to investors.

# Positive distribution does not mean positive return. Payments of distributions out of capital or effectively out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any such distributions may result in an immediate reduction in the Net Asset Value per Share of the Fund and will reduce the capital available for future investment.

Reduced Volatility

Selling call options acts as a hedge during market downturns, reducing portfolio volatility.

Fund InformationAs of 11 Feb 2025

Fund Inception Date 28 Feb 2024
SEHK Listing Date 29 Feb 2024
Fiscal Year Ending 31 Mar
Ongoing Charges Over A Year ^ 0.75% (Listed Class)
1.40% (Unlisted Class R2)
Distribution Frequency Monthly at the Manager’s discretion
(Dividend rate is not guaranteed, distributions may be made out of capital #)
NAV Per Share (Listed Class) HKD $10.64
NAV Per Share (Unlisted Class R2 in HKD) HKD $10.95
Monthly Report
^ The Fund adopts a single management fee structure, whereby a single flat fee will be paid out of the assets of the Fund to cover all of the costs, fees and expenses of the Fund. Click to learn more.

Distributions (Listed Class)

Ex-date 27 January 2025
Pay Date 6 February 2025
Dividend Per Share (HKD) 0.12 # Dividend rate is not guaranteed, distributions may be made out of capital or income at the Manager’s discretion and please refer to important information.

Trading InformationAs of 11 Feb 2025

Exchange Hong Kong Exchange
Stock Code 3419
ISIN HK0000978962
Management Fee 0.75%
Board Lot Size 500 Units
Trading Currency HKD
Base Currency HKD
Total Net Asset Value(HKD) $63,860,914.91
Outstanding Units 6,000,000

ETF Summary

The investment objective of the Global X HSI Components Covered Call Active ETF is to generate income by primarily (i) investing in constituent equity securities in the Hang Seng Index (the “Reference Index” or the “HSI”); and (ii) selling (i.e. “writing”) call options on the Reference Index to receive payments of money from the purchaser of call options (i.e. “premium”).

# The Manager may at its absolute discretion declare distributions semi-annually to unitholders in each financial year and details of the distribution declaration dates, distribution amounts and ex-dividend payment dates will be published on the Manager’s website Distributions may be made out of capital or income at the Manager’s discretion. There can be no assurance that a distribution will be paid and there is no guarantee as to the actual frequency and/or amount of dividend payments. Please note that a positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return on the total investment. Investors should not base investment decisions on the above information alone. Please refer to the Prospectus(including Product Key Facts Statement) for details including the product features and the risk factors. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

ETF Prices

* Market prices are provided on a 15-minute delayed basis by ICE Data Services. (See terms and conditions)

Daily NAV per Unit2As of 11 Feb 2025

NAV Change % Change
Official NAV per Unit in HKD (Listed Class) $10.64 $0.00 -0.04%
Official NAV per Unit in HKD (Unlisted Class R2) $10.95 $0.00 -0.05%

Performance As of 11 Feb 2025

Cumulative Return Fund NAV
(Listed Class, %)
Fund NAV
(Unlisted Class R2, %)
1 Mth 8.42 -
3 Mths 4.44 -
6 Mths 15.30 -
1 Yr - -
YTD 4.93 -
Since Inception 22.14 -
Calendar Year Return Fund NAV (%)
2024 -
2023 -
2022 -
2021 -
2020 -
Source: Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited.
• Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Investors may not get back the full amount invested.
• The computation basis of the performance is based on the calendar year end, NAV-to-NAV, with dividend reinvested.
• These figures show by how much the Fund increased or decreased in value during the calendar year shown.
• Performance data has been calculated in HKD including ongoing charges and excluding trading costs on HKEX you might have to pay.
• Where no past performance is shown there was insufficient data available in that year to provide performance.
• Fund inception date: 28 Februrary 2024
• Fund (unlisted class) launch date: 23 September 2024

Exposure 31 Jan 2025

    Weight (%)
Financials 25.9
Cash 21.2
Consumer Discretionary 19.9
Communication Services 11.1
Information Technology 6.2
Energy 3.8
Real Estate 3.0
Industrials 2.5
Utilities 2.3
Consumer Staples 2.0
Health Care 1.3
Materials 0.7
    Weight (%)
China 58.2
Cash 21.2
Hong Kong 20.6

Option Details As of 11 Feb 2025

Total Net Asset Value of the Fund (in HKD) HKD 63,871,862.66
Closing level of Hang Seng Index 21,294.86

Option Position Notional Exposure Strike Potential Upside Before Strike Expiration Date Calendar Days to Expiry Index Price
Short HANG SENG INDEX 20,400 Call Option HKD$-63,884,580.00 20,400 0% 02/27/2025 16 21,295

Daily HoldingsAs of 11 Feb 2025

Name of Securities Exchange Ticker Exchange Market Price (in HKD) Number of Shares Held Market Value (in HKD) Net Assets (%)
ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING 9988 HK Hong Kong 104.9 46,236 4,850,156.40 7.59
HSBC HOLDINGS PLC 5 HK Hong Kong 83.8 53,123 4,451,707.40 6.97
TENCENT HOLDINGS 700 HK Hong Kong 427.4 9,655 4,126,547.00 6.46
MEITUAN-CLASS B 3690 HK Hong Kong 161.8 22,566 3,651,178.80 5.72
XIAOMI CORP-CLASS B 1810 HK Hong Kong 42.55 68,210 2,902,335.50 4.54
CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANK 939 HK Hong Kong 6.4 422,520 2,704,128.00 4.23
AIA GROUP 1299 HK Hong Kong 51.25 42,805 2,193,756.25 3.43
CHINA MOBILE 941 HK Hong Kong 77.05 24,097 1,856,673.85 2.91
IND & COMM BK OF CHINA 1398 HK Hong Kong 5.46 305,071 1,665,687.66 2.61
HONG KONG EXCHANGES & CLEAR 388 HK Hong Kong 318 4,703 1,495,554.00 2.34
BYD 1211 HK Hong Kong 327.8 4,288 1,405,606.40 2.20
BANK OF CHINA 3988 HK Hong Kong 4.13 326,581 1,348,779.53 2.11
PING AN INSURANCE GROUP 2318 HK Hong Kong 44.3 26,177 1,159,641.10 1.82
CNOOC 883 HK Hong Kong 18.74 60,881 1,140,909.94 1.79
JD.COM INC-CLASS A 9618 HK Hong Kong 158.5 6,830 1,082,555.00 1.69
HANG SENG IDX FUT 02/27/25 HIG5 Hong Kong 21342 12 952,800.00 1.49
SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING 981 HK Hong Kong 45.3 16,530 748,809.00 1.17
CHINA MERCHANTS BANK 3968 HK Hong Kong 43.35 15,240 660,654.00 1.03
TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES 669 HK Hong Kong 100.8 6,083 613,166.40 0.96
KUAISHOU TECHNOLOGY 1024 HK Hong Kong 45.8 11,851 542,775.80 0.85
LI AUTO INC-CLASS A 2015 HK Hong Kong 99.7 5,386 536,984.20 0.84
PETROCHINA 857 HK Hong Kong 6.12 82,400 504,288.00 0.79
CLP HOLDINGS 2 HK Hong Kong 63.7 7,893 502,784.10 0.79
ANTA SPORTS PRODUCTS 2020 HK Hong Kong 85.3 5,525 471,282.50 0.74
NETEASE INC 9999 HK Hong Kong 162 2,725 441,450.00 0.69
CHINA LIFE INSURANCE 2628 HK Hong Kong 14.8 29,370 434,676.00 0.68
CHINA PETROLEUM & CHEMICAL 386 HK Hong Kong 4.35 96,215 418,535.25 0.66
CK HUTCHISON HOLDINGS 1 HK Hong Kong 38.85 10,580 411,033.00 0.64
CHINA SHENHUA ENERGY 1088 HK Hong Kong 30.8 13,328 410,502.40 0.64
SUN HUNG KAI PROPERTIES 16 HK Hong Kong 69.2 5,658 391,533.60 0.61
LENOVO GROUP 992 HK Hong Kong 12.16 31,823 386,967.68 0.61
GEELY AUTOMOBILE HOLDINGS LT 175 HK Hong Kong 15.9 23,830 378,897.00 0.59
BOC HONG KONG HOLDINGS 2388 HK Hong Kong 25.5 14,603 372,376.50 0.58
ZIJIN MINING GROUP 2899 HK Hong Kong 16.38 22,456 367,829.28 0.58
TRIP.COM GROUP 9961 HK Hong Kong 518.5 675 349,987.50 0.55
LINK REIT 823 HK Hong Kong 33.6 10,080 338,688.00 0.53
WUXI BIOLOGICS CAYMAN INC 2269 HK Hong Kong 21.4 14,752 315,692.80 0.49
HANG SENG BANK 11 HK Hong Kong 99.65 2,992 298,152.80 0.47
CHINA RESOURCES LAND 1109 HK Hong Kong 23.5 12,663 297,580.50 0.47
NONGFU SPRING 9633 HK Hong Kong 34.2 7,946 271,753.20 0.43
POWER ASSETS HOLDINGS 6 HK Hong Kong 49.45 5,465 270,244.25 0.42
HONG KONG & CHINA GAS 3 HK Hong Kong 5.94 44,190 262,488.60 0.41
SUNNY OPTICAL TECH 2382 HK Hong Kong 85 3,023 256,955.00 0.40
CITIC 267 HK Hong Kong 8.74 28,703 250,864.22 0.39
BAIDU INC-CLASS A 9888 HK Hong Kong 88.75 2,791 247,701.25 0.39
CK ASSET HOLDINGS 1113 HK Hong Kong 32.1 7,621 244,634.10 0.38
GALAXY ENTERTAINMENT GROUP L 27 HK Hong Kong 28.3 8,630 244,229.00 0.38
HAIER SMART HOME 6690 HK Hong Kong 25.15 9,588 241,138.20 0.38
WH GROUP 288 HK Hong Kong 5.97 32,915 196,502.55 0.31
SHENZHOU INTERNATIONAL GROUP 2313 HK Hong Kong 58.45 3,262 190,663.90 0.30
CHINA MENGNIU DAIRY 2319 HK Hong Kong 15.26 12,425 189,605.50 0.30
CHINA OVERSEAS LAND & INVEST 688 HK Hong Kong 12.4 15,120 187,488.00 0.29
CHINA UNICOM HONG KONG 762 HK Hong Kong 7.65 24,152 184,762.80 0.29
MTR CORP 66 HK Hong Kong 24.3 7,360 178,848.00 0.28
BYD ELECTRONIC INTL 285 HK Hong Kong 55.1 3,112 171,471.20 0.27
ENN ENERGY HOLDINGS 2688 HK Hong Kong 51.6 3,123 161,146.80 0.25
SANDS CHINA 1928 HK Hong Kong 16.04 9,581 153,679.24 0.24
CHINA RESOURCES BEER HOLDING 291 HK Hong Kong 23.7 6,400 151,680.00 0.24
CSPC PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP LT 1093 HK Hong Kong 4.52 32,866 148,554.32 0.23
CHINA HONGQIAO GROUP 1378 HK Hong Kong 13.2 11,220 148,104.00 0.23
LI NING 2331 HK Hong Kong 15.62 9,180 143,391.60 0.22
JD HEALTH INTERNATIONAL INC 6618 HK Hong Kong 32.05 4,405 141,180.25 0.22
CK INFRASTRUCTURE HOLDINGS L 1038 HK Hong Kong 51.4 2,485 127,729.00 0.20
CHINA RESOURCES POWER HOLDIN 836 HK Hong Kong 16.76 7,593 127,258.68 0.20
WHARF REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 1997 HK Hong Kong 18.8 6,590 123,892.00 0.19
SINO BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 1177 HK Hong Kong 2.94 40,792 119,928.48 0.19
HENDERSON LAND DEVELOPMENT 12 HK Hong Kong 20.9 5,732 119,798.80 0.19
HAIDILAO INTERNATIONAL HOLDI 6862 HK Hong Kong 14.88 7,698 114,546.24 0.18
NEW ORIENTAL EDUCATION & TEC 9901 HK Hong Kong 39.6 2,651 104,979.60 0.16
ALIBABA HEALTH INFORMATION T 241 HK Hong Kong 3.97 25,403 100,849.91 0.16
SINOPHARM GROUP 1099 HK Hong Kong 19.68 5,296 104,225.28 0.16
TINGYI (CAYMAN ISLN) HLDG 322 HK Hong Kong 11.36 7,781 88,392.16 0.14
HANSOH PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP 3692 HK Hong Kong 18.12 4,683 84,855.96 0.13
CHINA RESOURCES MIXC LIFESTY 1209 HK Hong Kong 29.75 2,702 80,384.50 0.13
WUXI APPTEC 2359 HK Hong Kong 57.9 1,373 79,496.70 0.12
LONGFOR GROUP HOLDINGS 960 HK Hong Kong 9.72 8,012 77,876.64 0.12
XINYI SOLAR HOLDINGS 968 HK Hong Kong 3.36 19,340 64,982.40 0.10
CHOW TAI FOOK JEWELLERY GROU 1929 HK Hong Kong 7.4 7,883 58,334.20 0.09
HENGAN INTL GROUP 1044 HK Hong Kong 21.05 2,750 57,887.50 0.09
XINYI GLASS HOLDINGS 868 HK Hong Kong 7.17 8,335 59,761.95 0.09
BUDWEISER BREWING CO APAC LT 1876 HK Hong Kong 7.24 7,838 56,747.12 0.09
ORIENT OVERSEAS INTL 316 HK Hong Kong 107.8 516 55,624.80 0.09
HANG LUNG PROPERTIES 101 HK Hong Kong 6.08 7,440 45,235.20 0.07
ZHONGSHENG GROUP HOLDINGS 881 HK Hong Kong 13 2,773 36,049.00 0.06
CALL HANG SENG INDEX 02/27/25 20400 HSI 02/27/25 C20400 Hong Kong 1040 -60 -3,120,000.00 -4.88
Source: Mirae Asset, Bloomberg
Holdings are subject to change. Cash, where shown, includes other assets and liabilities, such as payables and receivables.

Performance Simulator

Hover over the chart points for details
• The graph only shows simulated returns of the Fund and the Hang Seng Index based on different Hang Seng Index levels. The purpose of the graph is to illustrate the estimated capped upside of the Fund.
• The simulated returns do not necessarily reflect the realized return of the Fund and the Hang Seng Index in the future.

Market Makers 3

Mirae Asset Securities Co., Ltd.

Optiver Trading Hong Kong Limited

Eclipse Options (HK) Limited

Participating Dealers 4

Mirae Asset Securities (HK) Limited

Haitong International Securities Company Limited

China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Limited

DBS Vickers (Hong Kong) Limited

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